#$@%* Dudes Be #$@%* Sleepin' (※$%@れたヤツは ※$%@して寝ろ *$%@reta yatsu wa *$%@shite nero?, lit. *$%@ing dudes go *$%@ and sleep) is a song available in Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion. It is available after unlocking Marina's Chat Room.
#$@%* Dudes Be #$@%* Sleepin is a short metal song, unlike a lot of Octo Expansion's other pieces. It has drums set as backing, with Pearl being the only vocalist. We do hear a crowd gasping and the sound of glass being smashed at the end of the song, however, indicating it was a live recording. It's also implied Pearl broke the windows with her voice, as a grumble can be heard by the end.
- Due to the inclusion of a censoring bleep, it is the first song in the Splatoon series to imply that there are profanities in the Inkling language.
- It is also the first Nintendo song to imply it, as well.
- Although classed as a solo project in-game in Octotune, it states that it's one of Off the Hook's songs.
- The soundtrack's music sounds similar to American heavy metal band, Slipknot.