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The Angle Shooter is a Sub Weapon in Splatoon 3.


The Angle Shooter resembles a purple highlight marker. The label wrapped around it contains the Nouveau logo.


The Angle Shooter fires in a straight line, unaffected by gravity, and deflects off of any surface it comes into contact with until it has reached its maximum distance. It briefly leaves behind a line of ink, and if an opponent touches it, they will be damaged and also be tagged and tracked (similar to the Point Sensor). Any surfaces it bounces off of will get a small splatter of ink on them.


The Angle Shooter is typically a support sub weapon, but can still be used offensively due to it's capability to deal damage if it lands directly on opponents. One good strategy to use with its tracking ability is to aim it low to the ground (or even bounce it off the ground) so that opponents can't go under it. It is effective to use in highly important areas such as around the Rainmaker in Rainmaker mode, the area around the goal in Clam Blitz mode, Splat Zones in Splat Zone mode, or the Tower in Tower Control mode.

Getting back to its offensive capability, the Angle Shooter can be used as Charger of some sorts, due to it having long range, can be thrown instantly, and does damage. Keep in mind however, it does fairly low damage, and will by default need at least 3 consecutive hits to splat an enemy at full health. It is possible to use offensively, but shouldn't be relied on as one, unless if the player is skilled enough to land every hit perfectly.



  • The Angle Shooter is made by Nouveau.
    • This is why the Angle Shooter represents a highlighter, since Nouveau is an art-based brand.
  • If an enemy touches the Angle Shooter after it is used instead of taking a direct hit, it will only be tagged and will not take damage.
Weapons in the Splatoon Series

Shooter Weapons IconShooters
Blaster Weapons IconBlasters
Roller Weapons IconRollers
Slosher Weapons IconSloshers
Brush Weapons IconBrushes
Charger Weapons IconChargers
Splatling Weapons IconSplatlings
Dualie Weapons IconDualies
Brella Weapons IconBrellas
Stringer Weapons IconStringers
Splatana Weapons IconSplatanas
Rare weapons
Sub weapons
Special weapons