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A bomb that automatically seeks out opponents. It will search for opponents in the area that you throw it, and if it finds one, it will automatically start walking towards them. When it approaches an opponent, it stops and explodes.

The Autobomb is a sub weapon in Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3. These projectiles chase enemies similarly to Seekers from Splatoon. After homing close to opponents, they stop short and trigger a large explosion of ink.


When Autobombs are thrown, they stand still for a moment searching for enemies. When an enemy is found, the Autobomb chases that player. When they are close enough, they detonate. If another enemy Inkling/Octoling comes close, it also explodes.

If there is no enemy nearby, they instead just explode like a Splat Bomb, just that they have a less powerful explosion. They will also have a slightly longer delay compaired to a Splat Bomb.


  • Since the Autobomb can track down players hiding in ink, players with the Autobomb can use it to search for enemies.
  • When the Autobomb lands, players can see it tracking by it recoiling and then a circle appears going from the it to the outside, scanning for enemies.
  • They also appear in the Hero Mode of Splatoon 2

Weapons With Autobomb (Splatoon 2)[]

Carbon Roller

Custom Blaster

Custom Splattershot Jr.

Dark Tetra Dualies

Herobrush Replica

Hydra Splatling

N-ZAP '89

New Squiffer


Sloshing Machine

Sorella Brella

Weapons With Autobomb (Splatoon 3)[]

Bamboozler 14 Mk I


Carbon Roller

Dark Tetra Dualies

Hydra Splatling

N-ZAP '89

