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The Bomb Launcher (Japanese: ボムランチャー Bomu ranchyaa / Bomb lancher) is a special weapon that appears in Splatoon 2. It is the successor to Splatoon's Bomb Rush However it has a few differences from it.


The special is similar to the Bomb Rush special, but allows players to throw the bombs farther and with greater accuracy. It separates itself from the Bomb Rush in the fact that the bombs fired are not dependent on the player's sub weapon.


Variations of the Bomb Launcher can be found and used in certain missions of Octo Canyon during the Hero Mode of Splatoon 2. They will mostly be found in the missions where Agent 4 faces off with Octolings loyal to DJ Octavio and the Octarians. Octoling Strike will have two Splat Bomb Launcher pickups on the map. Octoling Assault will have two Curling Bomb Launcher pickups.


Bomb Launcher (Splat Bomb) in action.

When used, the Launcher appears on the user's back and shoulders, allowing them to throw several of bombs such as Splat Bombs, Suction Bombs, Burst Bombs, Curling Bombs, and Autobombs within the allotted time the special is active, allowing for an enemy faced with such overwhelming explosives little time to escape before the combined power of the bombs detonating in short order splats them. This can also allow for heavy coverage of friendly ink in a short amount of time to allow a chance to recover and fight back.



Main Sub Special
Carbon Roller Deco Burst Bomb Autobomb Launcher
Light Tetra Dualies Sprinkler Autobomb Launcher

Burst Bomb[]

Main Sub Special
Bamboozler 14 Mk II Toxic Mist Burst Bomb Launcher
Soda Slosher Splat Bomb Burst Bomb Launcher

Curling Bomb[]

Main Sub Special
Aerospray MG Suction Bomb Curling Bomb Launcher
Tenta Sorella Brella Splash Wall Curling Bomb Launcher

Splat Bomb[]

Main Sub Special
Flingza Roller Splash Wall Splat Bomb Launcher
Rapid Blaster Ink Mine Splat Bomb Launcher
Sloshing Machine Neo Point Sensor Splat Bomb Launcher
Sorella Brella Autobomb Splat Bomb Launcher

Suction Bomb[]

Main Sub Special
Bloblobber Deco Sprinkler Suction Bomb Launcher
Dapple Dualies Squid Beakon Suction Bomb Launcher
Firefin Splat Charger Splash Wall Suction Bomb Launcher
Firefin Splatterscope Splash Wall Suction Bomb Launcher
Luna Blaster Neo Ink Mine Suction Bomb Launcher
Neo Splash-o-Matic Burst Bomb Suction Bomb Launcher