Splatoon Wiki
Splatoon Wiki
“A bomb that moves in a straight line inking the ground before it explodes. It also bounces off walls! You can adjust the length of time before detonation by holding down R.”
— Splatoon 2’s Sub Explanation

The Curling Bomb is a sub weapon in Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3.


The Curling Bomb moves in a straight line when it is deployed, ricocheting off walls in a similar fashion to a curling stone. The Curling Bomb will explode into ink in a similar fashion to Splat Bombs and Suction Bombs when the "meter" for the curling bomb is full. The bomb will slowly come to a stop before exploding. The Curling Bomb can also be "cooked" by holding down the R button, causing the meter to fill beforehand and thus causing the bomb to explode sooner.


Curling Bombs are primarily used to divert the opponent's attention, as the opposing team will have to worry about the Curling Bomb as well as the player shooting at the opponent. As such, this split of concentration from the opponent will make it more likely the player will be able to shoot the opponent and splat them, or the bomb will collide with the opponent and splat them.

Curling Bomb are also mainly used to get to places faster. Competitively, you can use it to get to places like enemy base and sneak into it. Curling Bombs are also helpful for speedrunning missions, as you won’t have to use your weapon and waste time shooting a path of ink.

Alternatively, Curling Bombs will work especially well in small corners, where the Curling Bomb will continuously bounce, requiring the enemy to be extremely skilled to dodge the bomb. Using these on enemies that are staying in a small area, especially unsuspecting ones, will almost guarantee a splat.


Curling Bombs are almost completely harmless if the player stays alert and is not in a tight area. Although these are similar to Seekers, they do not home in on their target, making them much easier to dodge.


Main Weapon|Main Sub Special
.52 Gal Deco Curling Bomb Sting Ray
Bamboozler 14 Mk l Curling Bomb Tenta Missiles
Clash Blaster Neo Curling Bomb Tenta Missiles
Custom Goo Tuber Curling Bomb Inkjet
Custom Range Blaster Curling Bomb Bubble Blower
Emperry Splat Dualies Curling Bomb Inkjet
Hero Roller Replica Curling Bomb Splashdown
L-3 Nozzlenose Curling Bomb Baller
Splat Roller Curling Bomb Splashdown
Sploosh-o-matic Curling Bomb Splashdown
Zink Mini Splatling Curling Bomb Ink Storm



  • When the Curling Bomb is about to explode due to the timer running out, it will make a sound similar to a primed Splat Bomb.
  • The Curling Bomb Launcher's bomb does not go as far as the normal Curling Bomb, but it has a bigger explosion.
  • The Curling Bomb’s design is based off of curling stones from the sport Curling.
Weapons in Splatoon 2
Main Shooters
Luna Blaster (Neo, Kensa)

Squeezer (Foil)
E-liter 4K (Custom)
E-liter 4K Scope (Custom)
Ballpoint Splatling (Nouveau)
Splat Dualies (Hero, Enperry, Kensa)
Glooga Dualies (Deco, Kensa)
Tenta Brella (Sorella, Camo)