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The Custom Splattershot Jr. is a Main Shooter weapon in Splatoon and Splatoon 2.


The Custom Splattershot Jr., as implied in the name, is a modified version of the Splattershot Jr. It it ideal for covering large territories with ink quickly - its low accuracy provides a wider spread of ink while moving, and its low damage means it uses less ink per shot, allowing for more shots per tank.

It shares the same stats as the Splattershot Jr., however it uses Disruptors and the Echolocator for its kit instead. The Disruptor and Echolocator add to being ideal for support-based tactics of slowing down the enemy and locating all members of the opposing team for everyone to see.

In Splatoon 2, it is equipped with the Autobomb Sub and the Ink Storm Special. The Autobomb can help with scanning for enemies, and the Ink Storm can help with getting turf back and pushing away enemy lines.

In Splatoon 3, it is equipped with the Torpedo Sub and the Wave Breaker Special. The Torpedo can help with attacking faraway enemies with a range larger than the main weapon itself, and the Wave Breaker can also help to scan for enemies.

Weapon Quotes[]


โ€œ I took my inspiration for this weapon from a strange liquid that was stuck to my grandpappy's blueprints! Its main weapon is just like the Splattershot Jr., but this one lets you weaken your foes with Disruptors! It also comes with an Echolocator, so rally your team behind you and charge into the fray! โ€
— Sheldon
โ€œ A new build of the Splattershot Jr., built by Sheldon after being inspired by some odd fluid he found stuck to the blueprints. Throw Disruptors at your opponents to slow them down. โ€
— In-Game Description

Splatoon 2[]

โ€œ The Custom Splattershot Jr. offers the same functions as the Splattershot Jr. but with a twist on how you battle! Smoke out your opponents with Autobombs and splat them when they pop up! They can be combined with the Ink Storm special to smoke out opponents from a large area. I recommend this for players who like moving together as a team! โ€
— Sheldon

Names in other languages[]

Language Name Notes
Japanese ใ‚‚ใฟใ˜ใ‚ทใƒฅใƒผใ‚ฟใƒผ
Momiji Shลซtฤ
Maple Shooter
German Junior-Kleckser Plus Junior Dauber Plus
Italian Sparacolore logo Logo Shootcolor

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