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The Dualie Squelchers (デュアルスイーパー duaru suīpā?, lit. Dual Sweeper) is a Main Dualie Weapon in Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3. It was released in update 1.4.0 on July 29th, 2017. It resembles the original Dual Squelcher from Splatoon. If the player performs a dodge roll, the Inkling will hold the Dualie Squelchers together, converting them into the Dual Squelcher.


Its iconic longish-range and rapid fire return with the added dodge roll ability. It comes with a Point Sensor sub and Tenta Missiles special in Splatoon 2 and the Splat Bomb and Wave Breaker in Splatoon 3.

Weapon Introduction[]

The Dualie Squelchers are dualie versions of the Jet Squelcher. They feature an exceptional combination of highly accurate rapid fire after rolling, with longish range! You can pinpoint your opponents' positions with the Point Sensor and Tenta Missiles, making you a real nuisance to the enemy team! And you can dodge-roll away from opponents who get close! I recommend them for nimble fighters who want to support their team!
— Sheldon


  • Each shot takes 1,2% of ink while each roll takes 5% of ink.
  • It is shown that the Weapon is red. Unlike many other Weapons in the game Splatoon 2.
  • The mobility is increased for the Dualie Squelchers, letting you move right after rolling.
  • The weapon appears to be based on a power drill.
  • It takes 4 shots to splat an enemy with this weapon.


Names in other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese デュアルスイーパー

duaru suīpā

Dual Sweeper
Dutch Dubbelplonzers Double splashers
French Double nettoyeur Double cleaner
German Dual-Platscher Dual splasher
Italian Sweeper duplo Double sweeper
Russian Спурт-плескари


Spurt splashers
Spanish (NOA) Soplador dual
Spanish (NOE) Barredora dual Dual sweeper