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The Goo Tuber is a weapon in Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3. This Charger-type weapon is known for its unique abilities which sets itself apart from the Splat Charger. It appears in one Octo Expansion station, that being G08 Freakazoid Station, and in Return of the Mammalians’ 4-7 Charge Now, Splat Later.


This weapon acts similarly to the Splat Charger, but with some great differences. This weapon looks similar to a melodica tube (A melodica is a musical instrument that is played by blowing into a tube while playing a keyboard that produces a sound reminiscent of an accordion or bagpipes).

The Goo Tuber can now store a charge for an extremely long time, it can hold the longest charge out of all Chargers, breaking the limit, allowing players to do things like swim up walls to get better views. Something also different is that when the player ceases to store charge, they can go back in squid/octopus form, almost instantly. This allows the player to reset the time it takes before the limit for storing charges, without being caught by enemies. Another thing, is that Goo Tuber users can snipe and splat a player, even without a full charge. So, if the player is rushed, they don't need to waste time charging it up to splat the enemy.

The fact that it does not have a scope and it is a medium range weapon rendering it unsuitable to be used as a backline sniper, and is too slow to charge to be a close-range weapon, but the fact that it can store its charge makes it a good frontline support weapon. One can also store charge and sneak up on an enemy, but the enemy can still see the player even if their gear has Ninja Squid on it because there will be a glowing circle at the player's position.


  • Fully charged shots will pierce opponents.


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