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I don't really work here, but you can shop around, and I'll sell you stuff.
— Harmony

Harmony (パル子 Paruko?) is a character in the Splatoon Series. She is a sea anemone who serves as the singer and synthesizer player of the band, The Chirpy Chips in Splatoon and Splatoon 2 and works in the general store Hotlantis in Splatsville in Splatoon 3. Prior to Splatoon 3, she was unnamed in languages besides Japanese.

She is accompanied by an unnamed clownfish in her hair. According to HaikaraWalker, it is dying from neglect.


Harmony is a humanoid sea anemone with a skinny build. She has pale skin, and long pink tentacles with green tips that serve as her hair. She wears a few thick, multi-color bracelets in her hair. She wears a black T-shirt with neon green and pink patterns, a short lime green skirt, and a black and yellow striped hat with a red and green brim. She wears multi-colored bracelets around her left hand, and blue boots with yellow straps and soles and red insides. She is accompanied by a black and white striped clownfish that lives in her hair. Harmony’s eyes are mint green with a purple iris and has 4 long, pink eyelashes on each eye.

Personality and traits[]

Harmony has been described as a relaxed sea anemone that goes her own way. She appears to be easily distracted, as she can be seen fidgeting with a device resembling an Ultra Hand when the player enters Hotlantis. Official promotional material for Splatoon 3 describes her as an artist, and it is mentioned she used to frequent Hotlantis. Due to the manager's frequent absence, she runs the store instead, selling its merchandise to its customers. She also hands out rewards for players who level up in the catalog.

She additionally serves as the lead singer, synthesizer player, and frontwoman for Chirpy Chips. According to HaikaraWalker, she is in charge of the visuals of the band. She exhibits peculiar movements when singing and speaks in a loose manner between songs, which is popular with fans. Due to her voice being altered in the music, she usually lip syncs during live performances. She often lacks motivation and shows up late to band practice. Additionally, she neglects to care for the clownfish that lives in her hair, and it is dying as a result.



  • Harmony is the first character to make a physical in-game appearance after debuting as a minor band member.
  • Harmony was previously a frequent customer at Hotlantis, but was hired by the Barry C. the shop's owner to run it while he's out which is often due to her familiarity with the store.
  • Despite HaikaraWalker establishing that her natural voice is altered digitally in Chirpy Chips' music for Splatoon and Splatoon 2, her Splatoon 3 speaking voice sounds similar to her processed singing, carrying a similar chiptune-esque compression effect.
  • Harmony's eye shape is slightly different between her dialogue icon and Splashtag badge art.
  • Harmony's Japanese name is combination of the words Parurando (パルランド?), which means singing in a speaking style and Ko (?), the common feminine suffix in Japanese.
Characters in the Splatoon Series

Main Major

AchtAgent 3Agent 3 (Splatoon 3)Agent 4Agent 8Cap'n CuttlefishC.Q. CumberDeep Cut (Big ManFryeShiver)Little BuddyOff the Hook (Pearl HouzukiMarina Ida)Squid Sisters (CallieMarie)


Denizens of the deepGreat ZapfishIso PadreJuddLi'l JuddMr. GrizzO.R.C.A.Telephone

Bosses Story Mode
Octo Expansion

Octostomp ReduxOcto Oven XXLRevenge of Octo SamuraiOcto Shower SupremeInner Agent 3NILS Statue

Salmonids Lesser
King Salmonids
Jelletons Lesser