"A rhinestone-encrusted Heavy Splatling. Flush out your opponents using the sub weapon, and then smash into them with the Kraken special!"
Splatlings have a special gimmick that means they require charging before releasing a huge bombardment of ink in a short amount of time creating a huge amount of devastation. Splatlings generally have a decent range and how long they fire ink for depends on how long you charge for. Their mobility is often limited while firing leaving them exposed at times.
The Heavy Splatling Deco has one of the best ranges in the game and outranges all Shooter weapons in the game making it recommended for long range assaults. It has the Point Sensor to detect any enemies nearby and has the Kraken to launch a close assault.
Tips against each weapon type[]
Shooters will vary depending on the circumstances. In long range circumstances you will have the upperhand as you outrange all of them (even the Jet Squelcher) so exploit your range and your rapid burst of ink to beat them. In close combat situations you are at a disadvantage as you have to charge and weapons with high firing rate like the Splash-o-matic or high damage like the .96 Gal can exploit this and take you out easily. It is best to retreat, charge up your special then attack.
Rollers are the easiest matchup, just exploit your range and you should be fine. Make sure you take care of them or at least know their location as they can easily attempt to sneak up on you and splat you. In addition use your Kraken to assault them if they get too close.
Charger will be the most difficult to take care of as they outrange you. The best thing to do is to unleash an attack while they are not focused on you and if they are retreat or use your Kraken to provide brief invincibility.
Slosher can be tricky due to their arc motion and high damage. Even if you are standing at a high place you can still be damaged due to their great reach and arc. To deal with them prevent them from getting close by using your range to take care of them. If they come close use your Special or retreat.
Splatlings will vary depending on the weapon.
The part of the Heavy Splatling family that stores ink is actually a water jug
Splatlings have a special gimmick that means they require charging before releasing a huge bombardment of ink in a short amount of time creating a huge amount of devastation. Splatlings generally have a decent range and how long they fire ink for depends on how long you charge for. Their mobility is often limited while firing leaving them exposed at times.
The Heavy Splatling Deco has one of the best ranges in the game and outranges all Shooter weapons in the game making it recommended for long range assaults. It has the Point Sensor to detect any enemies narby and has the Kraken to launch a close assault.
Shooters will vary depending on the circumstances. In long range circumstances you will have the upperhand as you outrange all of them (even the Jet Squelcher) so exploit your range and your rapid burst of ink to beat them. In close combat situations you are at a disadvantage as you have to charge and weapons with high firing rate like the Splash-o-matic or high damage like the .96 Gal can exploit this and take you out easily. It is best to retreat, charge up your special then attack.
Rollers are the easiest matchup, just exploit your range and you shold be fine. Make sure you take care of them or at least know their location as they can easily attempt to sneak up on you and splat you. In addition use your Kraken to assault them if they get too close.
Charger will be the most difficult to take care of as they outrange you. The best thing to do is to unleash an attack while they are not focused on you and if they are retreat or use your Kraken to provide brief invicibilty.
Slosher can be tricky due to their arc motion and high damage. Even if you are standing at a high place you can still be damaged due to their great reach and arc. To deal wih them prevent them from getting close by using your range to take care of them. If they come close use your Special or retreat.