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Splatoon Wiki

The Hero Blaster (called the Hero Blaster Replica outside of Hero Mode) is a main shooter weapon in Splatoon 2.

Hero Mode[]

You have to complete all of the stages in Hero Mode with the Hero Blaster to earn the Hero Blaster Replica.

As all hero weapons are, it is just the original Blaster but with decoration for it to look like a Hero Blaster. It is unlocked in Level 19, The Experimentorium.


The Hero Blaster Replica is identical in appearance to the Hero Blaster. It is mainly black with some blue dots on the front part instead of flames.

The Hero Blaster Replica is visually identical to the Level 1 Hero Blaster, but is simply a re-skinned Blaster. Therefore unlike the switchable sub weapons of the Hero Blaster, it comes with Toxic Mist and Splashdown. To unlock the Hero Blaster Replica, the player must complete every level with the Hero Blaster in Octo Canyon, in which it becomes available for purchase at Ammo Knights.


The Hero Blaster Replica is a specially designed blaster with the same stats as the standard Blaster. This weapon came about after I made a breakthrough in my research and managed to create the ultimate weapon! Sadly, it never made it to mass production because the guys at the factory couldn't wrap their heads around my advanced schematics... So instead they just slapped some shiny parts on a standard Blaster and called it the Hero Blaster Replica.