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The Kraken Royale is a special weapon in Splatoon 3. It's a modified version of the Kraken from Splatoon. It was added in Fresh Season 2023 (Version 3.0.0). It has received a new charged attack and now requires two attacks to splat its opponents. The charged attack can splat in one hit.


The Kraken Royale transforms the user in a giant squid or octopus. It is larger than its Splatoon counterpart. Now Octolings can use the special and it transforms them into the octopus equivalent. Both varients appear to have symbols on their forehead.


The Kraken Royale is very similar to its predecessor, but now it has a bit of delay at the start and endlag. It can swim on enemy ink and leaves a trail behind it. By jumping, the user makes a spinning attack that can splat with two hits. also is able to use the squid surge as an attack. It has about 7.4 seconds of use. when the special is about to end the head of the kraken will start flashing red as an inicator that your special is about to end.

Weapons with Kraken Royale[]

Main Sub Special
S3 Weapon Main 96 Gal Deco Flat
.96 Gal Deco
S3 Weapon Sub Splash Wall
Splash Wall
S3 Weapon Special Kraken Royale
Kraken Royale
S3 Weapon Main Krak-On Splat Roller Flat
Krak-On Splat Roller
S3 Weapon Sub Squid Beakon
Squid Beakon
S3 Weapon Special Kraken Royale
Kraken Royale
S3 Weapon Main Heavy Splatling Deco Flat
Heavy Splatling Deco
S3 Weapon Sub Point Sensor
Point Sensor
S3 Weapon Special Kraken Royale
Kraken Royale
S3 Weapon Main Custom E-liter 4K Flat
Custom E-liter 4K
S3 Weapon Sub Squid Beakon
Squid Beakon
S3 Weapon Special Kraken Royale
Kraken Royale
S3 Weapon Main Custom E-liter 4K Scope Flat
Custom E-liter 4K Scope
S3 Weapon Sub Squid Beakon
Squid Beakon
S3 Weapon Special Kraken Royale
Kraken Royale
S3 Weapon Main Custom Range Blaster Flat
Custom Range Blaster
S3 Weapon Sub Splat Bomb
Splat Bomb
S3 Weapon Special Kraken Royale
Kraken Royale



Promotional 3D Render

Demonstration of the Kraken Royale
