The Lobby is a location in Splatoon 3 where players can enter Turf War and Anarchy Battles, similar to the battle lobbies in previous games except it is now a walkable area with several more features.
Lobby Terminal[]
A computer in the lobby by the stairs with several functions:
- Get Stuff: Some in-game and external features will reward the player with items in game. In order to receive these items, the player must select the Get Stuff option.
- View Replays: Allows the player to watch their recent matches.
- Battle Logs: Displays the results of recent matches.
- Replay Code: A code input screen to enter a code received from another player to watch their replay.
- Edit Splashtag: Opens the Splashtag editor which is also available from the menu.
- Change Nickname: Allows the player to change their in-game name.
- Splatfest Region: Allows the player to change their matchmaking region for Splatfests. This cannot be done while the Splatfest is in progress.
Test Range[]
The Test Range is an area where players can practice traversal and shooting test dummies even while queued for a match. It contains wide innkable ground, some climbable platforms and grates, as well as both stationary and moving test dummies.
Copy Machine[]
At the far end from the test dummies is a single robot on a yellow circle. The player can activate the Copy Machine so that it holds a Splattershot, one eye will glow red, and it will copy the motion of the player's idle stance. When activated, whenever the player uses their main or sub weapons, the Copy Machine will shoot the Splattershot or throw a Splat Bomb respectively, straight forward.
Locker Room[]
- Lockers
An area where the player can customize their own locker with various decorations, and view other players' lockers.
- Crab-N-Go
A shop to the right of the entrance where the player can purchase food and drink using tickets.
Shell-Out Machine[]
- Shell-Out Machine
A gachapon machine where the player can win various prizes.
Added to the game at Fresh Season 2023, there is a jukebox to the right of Crab-N-Go where players can play a requested song for 100 Gold. In Private Battles, every player can hear the song requested, and can additionally request songs before battles begin.
- The lobby was designed by Glen Fiddler.[1]
- The giant screen above the locker room is actually a Nintendo Switch missing some joy-cons.