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Museum D'Alfonsino is a multiplayer stage in Splatoon and Splatoon 3. It does not appear in Splatoon 2.

Layout (Splatoon)[]

The stage has 5 spinning platforms two each near both spawn points and one in the center of the stage.

Layout (Splatoon 3)[]

The stage has three spinning platforms: one near each spawn, and on in the center of the stage.

Notable Locations[]

  • The spinning platforms allow access to many locations that otherwise are unavailable. The center platform lets the player into the opponent’s base, whilst the others allow the player into the opponent’s spawn.

Ranked Battle (Splatoon)[]

In Splat Zones and Tower Control the spawn points are on the rotating platforms that's closest to their original spot, while in Rainmaker the Rainmaker (Weapon) perches are placed on those.

Anarchy Battle[]

Splat Zones[]

The Zone is in the center of the map. The spinning platform remains the same as usual, but inking it does not affect Zone control.

Tower Control[]

The Tower begins on the central platform. Two arms are removed. An ink ale block is added to the side of the opponent’s base, allowing entry without the use of the platforms. One arm of the side platforms is removed.


The Rainmaker begins on the middle platform. A ramp is added to the side of the enemy base to allow access to the first Checkpoint. A ramp is added connecting the spawn to the rest of the map and the final Checkpoint.

Clam Blitz[]

The Barrier is near the spawn. A ramp leading up to the basket is added to allow access without the rotating platforms. An inkable block is also on the left side of the map, allowing players to jump up near the Barrier. There is a bump to the Barrier.


Water - There is an amount of water on the left flanking path, and the lowest sculpture area.


  • Muesum d'Alfonsino, along with Kelp DomeWalleye Warehouse  and Ancho-V Games, are the only stages located indoors.
  • Some of the statues in the map appear to be laughing. One of the laughs belongs to a boss from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Koloktos.(Although this only happens during Splatfests) Their laughs are distinct. The standing one has a playful laugh, and the sitting one has a quieter laugh.

