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Splatoon Wiki

The Octoballer is an Octarian fighter that rides around in a giant ink-covered bowling ball.


An Octoballer is a purple bowling ball with an Octotrooper sticking out on top. It comes from a placeholder that looks like a bowling ball machine.


Dealing with Octoballers is rather simple compared to other Octarians. Defeating the exposed Octotrooper with Ink will destroy the Octoballer. However, it is still advised to be weary around Octoballers, as they never stop spawning from their placeholders.


An Octoballer gradually rolls forward from the placeholder it came from. The Octoballer does not openly attack the player, but if an Inkling makes contact with one, they either get splatted or lose their Hero Suit if they have one. Octoballers also leave behind a trail of ink wherever they go.


  • Orange Octoballers will drop Power Eggs when defeated while purple Octoballers will not.
  • They have a bigger variant which is the Kingpin Octoballer.


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