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Octoling Strike: ~ Riot in the Reef! ~ is the ninth stage in the Hero Mode of Splatoon 2. The mission can be found in the second sector, Suction-Cup Lookout. It is the first of the stages in Hero Mode to have Agent 4 face off with Octolings loyal to DJ Octavio.


This mission is set within The Reef at evening. There, the player has to fight the bands of Octolings allied with the Octarians to retrieve eight mini Zapfish. All of the Octolings in the stage will be armed with the Octo Shot and can use Splat Bombs. Some of them, including the elite ones, can Super Jump to places on the map where they can ambush Agent 4 from behind, while others hide in their ink until Agent 4 is close enough to ambush. At least one or two of them will be guarding most of the mini Zapfish in the map, with an elite standing watch at the Octolings' Respawn Point on the opposite side of the map from where Agent 4 starts. They will also have several Splash Walls around the map that need to be destroyed as well to get to some of the crates that contain pickups.

Several crates are buried under the Octolings' ink. Two carry Specials that grant access to the Splat Bomb Launcher, one carries the Sunken Scroll, another the Sardinium, and several Armor pickups to help handle the amount of ink the Octolings will lay down until they are splatted.

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