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Octosnipers are Octarian fighters that shoot ink with long, thin weapons. Octosnipers have a laser showing where they are looking and a red laser to show where they are aiming.


Octosnipers appear much taller than many of their Octarian counterparts. They are stationed on immobile platforms, where they blow shots of ink through a lengthy tube.

Their goggles show their right eye, and their left eye has a laser vision attachment to help them aim. If one looks closely, they can see that there is a headset with an antenna as well, implying that Octarians do communicate with each other during combat.

In Splatoon 2, like the rest of the Octarians, Octosnipers have improved AI, allowing them to spot an Inkling by their ink being shot, a squid moving quickly in ink by their ripples, improving their targeting, and increasing the amount of time an Inkling needs to hide before they let their guard down.


Octosnipers use a charger-like tube that has a very long range and is a one hit K.O. on impact, similar to the Splatterscope. It is highly likely that the Octosniper's weapon is an upgraded Splatterscope, which is based on a sniper rifle. The weapon will give a beep in warning before shooting.


  • Running towards them is a possible but very risky strategy, as the player may find themself surrounded by the trails of the shots. The player must be quick and agile to dodge the shots, and the Octosniper’s long start-up time would be a good advantage.
  • If the player would like to be stealthy approaching the Octarian, like any other using sub weapons can distract the Octosniper. The player should also stay behind walls or remain in the ink.
  • A good way to splat Octosnipers is with sub weapons, as the player can kill them from farther away.


  • Remember that they have twice the range of an E-Liter 3K Scope or E-liter 4K Scope, so be careful when charging forward.
  • Octosnipers used to have the same charge time as an Inkjet full-range shot.
  • When players are close enough, or under the Octosniper’s weapon they cannot be shot, even if the laser is on them.

Names in Other Languages[]

Language Name Notes
Japanese タコスナイパー
Tako Sunaipā
Octopus Sniper
French Tentatourelle Tentacle turret