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Splatoon Wiki

The Pearlescent Squidkid IV is a shoe item in Splatoon 2.

The Pearlescent Squidkid IV is a shoe gear item company Enperry in game. They were released alongside other items for the 23rd splatfest Hare vs. Tortoise through the Splatoon 2 Switch News Channel. After this they could be purchased through SplatNet 2’s Gear Shop.

It is a 3 star item With its primary ability being the Drop Roller.


The Pearlescent Squidkid IV use the same core color pallet as their namesake Pearl Houzuki. The shoes are a matching pair of primarily white shoes with white laces. The shoes have pink soles and toes while the tongue, heel and front of toes are a metallic gold color. On each shoe tongue has the Enperry logo.


The shoes were named after Pearl Houzuki.

Along with being named after her they are themed after her using her core colors of white, pink and gold.
