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The Rapid Blaster Pro Deco is a Main Shooter Weapon in Splatoon. It's a Deco-branded variant of the Rapid Blaster Pro. It has the same stats and (almost) design, with the exception of new sub-and-special set. As the stats in the Infobox show, it deals 35 indirectly so 3 splash shots will splat a player, very similar in appearance to the Rapid Blaster Deco.


It looks like a standard Rapid Blaster Pro, with its longer ink shooter, but instead the grey part before the tube shooting out ink has 4 yellow arrow stickers, clarifying that itโ€™s a Deco-Branded weapon. It also has 2 arrows below it with the same color, pointing at the 4 arrows.

Sheldonโ€™s Description (Splatoon 2)[]

โ€œThe Rapid Blaster Pro Deco is a Rapid Blaster Pro emblazoned with decorations from professionalโ€ฆ decoration-ers! It has the same stats, but the Splash Wall lets you push out the front lines and set up shot! AND THATโ€™S NOT ALL! The Ink Armor special gives teammates the courage they need to join you in the heat of battle! This set is recommended for aggressive players who can manage their range!



  • As Sheldon says, the Pro Decoโ€™s new set can really help with defense. Its Splash Wall can really help protect you in the heat of battle, and you can use your Ink Armor to give protection to all your teammates to help keep them safe in the frontlines.


  • Its range is great, but it also leaves the user at a disadvantage. If youโ€™re below them, their blast radius wonโ€™t help as the long range will carry the ink over to the ground if they miss.


Splatoon 2's Weapons

Weapons in the Splatoon Series

Shooter Weapons IconShooters
Blaster Weapons IconBlasters
Roller Weapons IconRollers
Slosher Weapons IconSloshers
Brush Weapons IconBrushes
Charger Weapons IconChargers
Splatling Weapons IconSplatlings
Dualie Weapons IconDualies
Brella Weapons IconBrellas
Stringer Weapons IconStringers
Splatana Weapons IconSplatanas
Rare weapons
Sub weapons
Special weapons