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S3 Sizzle Season 2023 promo

Promotional image of Sizzle Season

Sizzle Season 2023 is the fourth season of Splatoon 3, following Drizzle Season, Chill Season 2022 and Fresh Season 2023. Sizzle Season launched with Version 4.0.0 on June 1st 2023. It was announced via Twitter on 16 May 2023.


2 new weapons were added:

Main Sub Special
S3 Weapon Main Painbrush FlatPainbrush
S3 Weapon Sub Curling BombCurling Bomb
S3 Weapon Special Wave BreakerWave Breaker
S3 Weapon Main S-BLAST '92 FlatS-BLAST '92
S3 Weapon Sub Sprinkler Sprinkler
S3 Weapon Special ReefsliderReefslider

8 new weapon kits were added to the game for Sizzle Season 2023:

Main Sub Special
S3 Weapon Main Tenta Sorella Brella FlatTenta Sorella Brella
S3 Weapon Sub Ink MineInk Mine
S3 Weapon Special TrizookaTrizooka
S3 Weapon Main Custom Dualie Squelchers FlatCustom Dualie Squelchers
S3 Weapon Sub Squid BeakonSquid Beakon
S3 Weapon Special Super ChumpSuper Chump
S3 Weapon Main Light Tetra Dualies FlatLight Tetra Dualies
S3 Weapon Sub SprinklerSprinkler
S3 Weapon Special ZipcasterZipcaster
S3 Weapon Main Heavy Splatling Deco FlatHeavy Splatling Deco
S3 Weapon Sub Point SensorPoint Sensor
S3 Weapon Special Kraken RoyaleKraken Royale
S3 Weapon Main H-3 Nozzlenose D FlatH-3 Nozzlenose D
S3 Weapon Sub Splash WallSplash Wall
S3 Weapon Special Big BubblerBig Bubbler
S3 Weapon Main Rapid Blatter Pro Deco FlatRapid Blaster Pro Deco
S3 Weapon Sub Angle ShooterAngle Shooter
S3 Weapon Special Killer Wail 5 1Killer Wail 5.1
S3 Weapon Main Splatana Wiper Deco FlatSplatana Wiper Deco
S3 Weapon Sub Squid BeakonSquid Beakon
S3 Weapon Special Tenta MissilesTenta Missiles
S3 Weapon Main Annaki Splattershot Nova FlatAnnaki Splattershot Nova
S3 Weapon Sub Ink MineInk Mine
S3 Weapon Special InkjetInkjet
S3 Weapon Main Big Swig Roller Express FlatBig Swig Roller Express
S3 Weapon Sub Angle ShooterAngle Shooter
S3 Weapon Special Ink StormInk Storm


A video showcasing the whole season’s catalog.

The Catalog of Fresh Season will include: Titles, Tableturf Cards, food and drink tickets and banners. The gear shown in the catalog will only be obtainable by the catalog. Once the season ends, it will be available on the Splatsville shops.

Name Level Points
Banner 1 9500
Title 2 9500
Food Ticket 3 9500
Pack of Cards 4 9500
Barrelfish Home Helmet 5 9500
White Retro Tee 6 9500
Hyper Guppies 7 9500
HU-ZE-BR Sticker 8 9500
Pack of Cards 9 9500
Easy Kneesy (Emote) 10 9500
Play & Observe (Decoration) 11 9500
Food Ticket (Mystery) 12 9500
Banner (Randomized) 13 9500
Title (Randomized) 14 9500
HU-PTR Sticker 15 9500
Pack of Cards 16 9500
Crust Bucket Visor 17 9500
Takoroka Tandem 18 9500
White Lo-Vert Hi-Tops 19 9500
HU-RET Sticker 20 9500
Drink Ticket (Randomized) 21 9500
Pack of Cards 22 9500
Banner (Randomized) 23 9500
Landed It (Emote) 24 9500
Mystery Box 25 9500
Title (Randomized) 26 9500
Food Ticket (Randomized) 27 9500
HU-SKP Sticker 28 9500
Seashell Bamboo Hat 29 9500
Black Ranger Vest 30 9500
Pro Trail Boots 31 9500
Intended Entertainment System (Decoration) 32 9500
Pack of Cards 33 9500
Drink Ticket (Randomized) 34 9500
Roundhouse Ballerina (Emote) 35 9500
Banner (Randomized) 36 9500
Title (Randomized) 37 9500
Pack of Cards 38 9500
Food Ticket (Randomized) 39 9500
BD-SAL Sticker 40 9500
Do-Rag, Cap & Glasses 41 9500
Lyco-P Streetstyle Tee 42 9500
Tenya OctoPurps 43 9500
Supreme Ness (Decoration) 44 9500
Fresh Card Pack 45 9500
BD-KDZ-MAS Sticker 46 9500
Title (Randomized) 47 9500
Banner (Randomized) 48 9500
Drink Ticket (Randomized) 49 9500
Mystery Box 50 9500
Pack of Cards 51 9500
Title (Randomized) 52 9500
Cap'n Cap 53 9500
Hype Stripe Button Up 54 9500
Annaki Strappy Sandals 55 9500
HU-ZEK Sticker 56 9500
Title (Randomized) 57 9500
Pack of Cards 58 9500
Food Ticket (Randomized) 59 9500
Windmill Whip (Emote) 60 9500
BD-FL-BPT Sign (Sticker) 61 9500
Banner (Randomized) 62 9500
Eight-Squared Game System (Decoration) 63 9500
Drink Ticket (Randomized) 64 9500
Stealth Squidbeak Shield 65 9500
Annaki Anchored Coat 66 9500
Dappled Hammertreads 67 9500
Title (Randomized) 68 9500
Pack of Cards 69 9500
BD-KDZ-RLS Poster (Sticker) 70 9500
Food Ticket (Randomized) 71 9500
See-Through Game Youth (Decoration) 72 9500
Victory Twist (Emote) 73 9500
Mystery Box 74 9500
Pack of Cards 75 9500
Title (Randomized) 76 9500
Noise Cancelers 77 9500
Umibozu Road Jersey 78 9500
Arrow Toesies Purp 79 9500
HU-ZPD Sticker 80 9500
Drink Ticket (Randomized) 81 9500
Pack of Cards 82 9500
Ready Stance (Emote) 83 9500
Banner (Randomized) 84 9500
Title (Randomized) 85 9500
BD-CDBDY Character (Sticker) 86 9500
Food Ticket (Randomized) 87 9500
Pack of Cards 88 9500
Glam Clam Specs 89 9500
Takoroka Nineties Nylon 90 9500
Icy Down Boots 91 9500
Title (Randomized) 92 9500
Drink Ticket (Randomized) 93 9500
Pack of Cards 94 9500
Banner 95 9500
Title (Randomized) 96 9500
BD-FL-OCE Pennant 97 9500
Cubic Gaming System (Decoration) 98 9500
Mystery Box 99 9500
Indigo Boss Haori 100 9500



Name Image Description
Barnacle & Dime
S3 Stage Barnacle & Dime
SRL here again! Buckle your Science Seat Belt (patent pending), because we've got tons of info for you. First, check out the new Barnacle & Dime stage in Splatsville! It's an upscale mall with a fancy fountain that doubles as a battleground. Shop, save, and splat all at once!
Humpback Pump Track
S3 Stage Humpback Pump Track
SRL coming right back with footage of the returning Humpback Pump Track stage in action! With winding curves, hills, and valleys, this former bicycle track makes for a topsy-turvy battlefield where teams usually fight to control the central ground.

Salmon Run Next Wave[]

Name Image Description
Jammin' Salmon Junction
S3 Stage Jammin' Salmon Junction
Happy Friday! SRL Real Estate here with great news heading into the weekend—we've discovered a new Salmon Run stage! Known as Jammin' Salmon Junction, the site was a multilane highway that fell into disrepair before being upcycled into a concert venue. Hope it was done to code!



Three new songs (by the in-game band Yoko & the Gold Bazookas) have been added, all of which can be heard in Online Battles:

  • Ska-BLAM
  • Three-Horn Circus
  • Rockagilly blues

Tableturf Battle[]

11 new Tableturf Battle cards were announced. All of these cards are based off the returning and new main weapons.

Salmon Run Next Wave[]

A Big Run was also announced was set to happen June 9th 2023 to June 11th 2023 on Undertow Spillway. The Fish Scale reward system has also been updated, and all types of Fish Scales will now double during Big Runs. Eggstra Work also now allows solo queues, and Eggstra Work will be available to play again from June 30th to July 2nd.

