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The Splat Brella is a Main Brella Weapon introduced in Splatoon 2. It is also available in Splatoon 3


The Splat Brella is a weapon type that's use resembles a Shotgun. When you ink with it, it inks pretty thin but it’s inking gets wider the farther it goes. The weapon is outfitted with a wide projectile spread but is limited to close-ranged effectiveness. The player can open the umbrella to shield themselves from attacks coming directly in front of them. If the player holds the umbrella open for over two seconds the umbrella separates from the weapon itself and flies forward, making an ink-trail as it blazes forward; becoming a traveling shield the player can utilize to break through enemy defenses.

After the Brella has been splatted while using it to protect yourself or launched, it will automatically respawn after a few seconds. It has the Sprinkler as its Sub weapon and Ink Storm as its Special weapon.

Sheldon’s Introduction[]

“This here is the Splat Brella. It features a completely different fighting style than any other weapon type. You can scatter ink in front of you with ZR! But if you keep holding ZR, your umbrella will open up, shielding you from enemy attacks! Furthermore, if you hold ZR even longer, you can launch the umbrella shield, and it'll zoom forward while blocking attacks! The Sprinkler sub weapon and the Ink Storm special further enhance your support capabilities. This is a great set for getting your head around the brella!”

Names in other languages[]

Language Name Note
Japanese パラシェルター Parasherutā Parashelter, a portmanteau of "parasol" and "shelter"

