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Sub-weapon (1)

A variety of sub weapons from Splatoon.

Divert the enemy with weapons like Splat Bombs or the Sprinkler.
Pro tip: You can try out the weapons at Ammo Knights before you buy.
— Splatoon's official website, [1]

Sub weapons (サブウェポン Sabu Uepon?) are secondary weapons in the Splatoon series.


List of sub weapons[]

Weapon Description Games
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Splat Bomb HQ
Splat Bomb
A basic bomb that explodes after a short period of time. It can be rolled or thrown. The explosion timer will only progress while the bomb is touching the ground. Available Available Available
Suction Bomb HQ
Suction Bomb
A bomb that can be attached to any surface. It explodes after a moderate period of time and has a larger blast radius than the Splat Bomb. Available Available Available
Burst Bomb HQ
Burst Bomb
A bomb that explodes on impact. Multiple Burst Bombs can be thrown without having to refill the ink tank. They deal less damage than other bombs; two direct hits or three indirect hits will splat an opponent, or they can be used in combination with the main weapon. Available Available Available
A bomb exclusive to Splatoon 1. It resembles a lifeboat and that chases a target along the ground before exploding. Like it’s replacement the curling bomb, it leaves a trail of ink that the player can use to travel quickly. Available
Curling Bomb Image
Curling Bomb
A bomb that travels in a straight line across the floor, leaving a trail of ink and bouncing off of walls and obstacles. It explodes after its timer expires. The maximum distance of the Curling Bomb can be shortened by holding the deployment button to 'cook' the timer before release. This makes the blast radius larger. Available Available
A bomb that walks towards any nearby enemies before exploding. Available Available
Ink Mine HQ Image

Ink Mine
A static area-of-effect sub weapon that hides in ink once planted. The mine has a radius around it that triggers an explosion either when an enemy sets foot into it or when it is painted. As of Splatoon 2, the Ink Mine gives significantly less damage, but also applies a tracking effect to its victims, alerting on the user's team of their location. Available Available Available
Disruptor HQ
A glass bottle that gives negative status effects to opponents upon contact. Affected enemies will suffer from reduced mobility and a reduced ink recovery rate. This weapon is exclusive to Splatoon 1. Available
Toxic Mist
Toxic Mist
A glass bottle that releases a poison mist which causes negative status effects to opponents that come into contact with it. Affected enemies will suffer from reduced mobility and gradual loss of ink supply. Unlike the Disruptor, the mist remains active for a short time after being used. Available Available
Point Sensor HQ
Point Sensor
When thrown, this object explodes in a spherical cloud. The cloud tags enemies with a tracking effect that shows their location to everyone on the user's team. Available Available Available
Splash Wall HQ
Splash Wall
A barrier made of falling ink. It slowly drains of ink over time and loses ink faster when shot with enemy ink. The user and their team can shoot though it and is useful as shield to suppress enemy movement and fire. Available Available Available
Sprinkler HQ
Continually sprays ink in its radius until broken by enemy fire or its deployer gets splatted. It can be thrown onto virtually any surface and it’s fire rate decreases over time. Available Available Available
Squid Beakon HQ
Squid Beakon
A device that allows the user and their teammates to Super Jump directly. It’s location can be seen on the map by both the user and enemy teams. Available Available Available
Fizzy bomb
Fizzy Bomb
A a soda can loaded with special carbonated ink. It leaves a narrow line of ink as it is thrown and produces small explosions upon hitting the ground. The bomb can be shaken in order to increase the number of times it can explode. The time it takes to reach maximum potency can also Available Available
A small, spherical bomb that transforms into a fish-shaped homing missile when within range of a target. Upon hitting a target or surface, it explodes in one main explosion with several smaller delayed explosions around the radius. The missile can also be shot down by opposing players. Available Available
Angle Shooter Promotional Render
Angle Shooter
A marker-shaped projectile introduced in Splatoon 3. It travels in a straight line and bounces off surfaces until it reaches its maximum travel distance and disappears. It briefly leaves behind a line of ink that tracks foes that come in contact with it. It also deals a small amount of damage if an opponent is hit directly as well as applying the usual tracking effect. Available


Ability Effect Games
WiiU Splatoon logo E3 Logo - Splatoon 2 Splatoon3SplatlessLogo
Bomb Range Up
Allows bombs, Point Sensors, and Disruptors to travel farther when thrown. Available
Ability Damage Up
Damage Up
Increases damage dealt by weapons. Available
Ink Saver
Reduces the amount of ink consumed by sub weapons. Available Available
Sub Power Up
Improves the performance of each sub weapon in multiple ways. Available

