The Swarming Languendo is a type of Jelleton that appears in the Side Order DLC for Splatoon 3.
The Swarming Languendo is a small fish - like Jelleton. They are the smallest type of Jelletons. Their design is possibly based off of the real-life sardine.
The Swarming Languendo will charge towards the player at a fast pace inking ground as they go. They usually come as swarms. When left alone, Marina observed that "...them getting faster and more aggressive if left alone." It serves a similar purpose to the Smallfry in the Salmon Run game mode.
The Swarming Languendo is somewhat dangerous, because of its fast speed, small hitbox, and the fact that it inks the ground beneath it, making it invulnerable to your ink. Try to take them down by using your sub weapon, like a Burst Bomb.
- "Languendo" in music refers to a feeble and dramatic style of performance, especially in classical music.