The Tenta Camo Brella is a Sheldon’s Picks variant of the Tenta Brella with a different sub and special weapon. It was introduced on the 3rd of April, 2019. It has the Ink Mine, and the Ultra Stamp as its sub/special weapon set.
The Tenta Camo Brella is an umbrella with similar design to a screen-tent. It is bigger and wider than the Splat Brella, which lets it leave a wide trail of ink when launched. It has a “camo design” (hence the name) on the “flooring of it.” It also has leaves stuck to the screen.
When hitting ZR, it will unleash “wild ink”, meaning that if close to a wall it can spray on it. It goes in a thin, straight line but at the end it “explodes”, leaving more ink on the end-side of the straight line of ink. After 3 seconds of holding ZR, the Tenta Camo Brella will launch. and it will last for about 7 seconds. It should be noted that the Brella also moves slower than the player
- The brella has good range and high damage but bad fire rate, so it would be ideal for players to stay in between the back and frontlines and distancing
- Using the Tenta Brella would be good for teammates who are using the Rainmaker or is “important” because, when launching it, the brella has high defense and leaves a relatively wide ink trail so it can help “escort” the player from Point A to Point B.
- Players should try to distance themselves from the Tenta user, as it has high damage and the brella, when launched, can take a large amount of damage before breaking.