Splatoon Wiki
Splatoon Wiki
Toni Kensa Logo

Toni Kensa Logo


Toni Kensa is a fictional brand of clothing characterized by its monochrome color designs. The brand is mainly made up of monochrome Jackets/Sweaters, but recently it now has weapons in Splatoon 2 that are named after the brand.

The Art of Splatoon 2 Description:[]

Toni Kensa straight up named the brand after himself. Their focus on monotone designs and simple construction has won over the city’s youth and earned them space in a number of boutiques. They stay tropical by creating collaborative, custom-made gear with other brands. It’s the secret to their popularity.


Clothes that can be bought in Splatoon 2 made by the Toni Kensa brand include:


Toni Kensa also had an update with more than 16 new weapons named after himself. Some weapons sport the new Special Weapons, the Booyah Bomb and the Ultra Stamp. These new weapons include:

Trivia and more[]

  • The Toni Kensa clothing designs takes inspiration from real life current day street clothing and the clothing's in-game price very much adds to that that similarity.
  • "Toni Kensa" is the fictional fashion designer in Splatoon who is behind his brand's popular clothing lines.

