The Towering Nobilmente is a type of stronger Jelleton in the Side Order DLC for Splatoon 3.
Its design is extremely similar to the Stinger from the Salmon Run game mode. It looks like a white seahorse cushioned by a glob of black jelly, upon three stacked and engraved support pieces. It has one red eye with a black ring around it, and the other eye is covered. At the bottom of its tower, there are four claws. The separate pieces have two rings going horizontal engraved on them.
Its behavior is heavily the same as that of an Octosniper; It charges up charger-like shots and aims them at the player. It can move, but extremely slow.
It can only be killed by splatting it from the head. If the player's weapon does not have enough range to hit its head directly, the support pieces can be broken to make its head reachable. If the player destroys the support pieces but doesn't splat the head, it will eventually regrow all missing pieces.
- "Nobilmente" is a musical term that means "in a noble style".
- As mentioned previously, it is essentially a cross between the Stinger and the Octosniper.