Splatoon Wiki
Splatoon Wiki

The Tri-Slosher Nouveau is a Main Slosher weapon in Splatoon and Splatoon 2. It is a Nouveau variant of the Tri-Slosher.


The Tri-Slosher Nouveau is a Tri-Slosher that has been decorated with a Nouveau sticker. The Main weapon functions exactly as a Tri-Slosher, but this one has different Sub and Special weapons: the Seeker and Echolocator, respectively.



Splatoon 2[]

Splatoon 3[]

Splatoon 2's Weapons

Weapons in the Splatoon Series

Shooter Weapons IconShooters
Blaster Weapons IconBlasters
Roller Weapons IconRollers
Slosher Weapons IconSloshers
Brush Weapons IconBrushes
Charger Weapons IconChargers
Splatling Weapons IconSplatlings
Dualie Weapons IconDualies
Brella Weapons IconBrellas
Stringer Weapons IconStringers
Splatana Weapons IconSplatanas
Rare weapons
Sub weapons
Special weapons